Twelve Areas & Comments.


William and Sophia were keenly observing the screens that displayed the different Areas for any change.

The were both currently in a relieved state because of the victory against the Rouge Humans in Area 12.

They watched the battle, so, they could see how Derick fought the Special Rank Rogue Human. Just like the other citizens of the Stronghold, it boosted the confidence they had on the Units.

With a tired look on her face, Sophia sat down on the chair. She was clearly exhausted and needed rest.

William was also tired, but he had to keep his eyes on the screens and give his wife time to rest.

"How are you feeling?" William asked without looking at Sophia.

"Hmm... just a slight headache." Sophia replied.

"Okay, just rest. I'll handle it from here," William said.

"Thank you, William," Sophia said as she slowly closed her eyes.


"Wake up, Sophia. Wake up."