The Special Unit is needed.

Nathan couldn't stop staring at the screen as he watched the battle that was unfolding.

The screen was large and it could display the twelve areas at once, so, it was up to anyone standing there to decide which of the battle he or she wants to watch.

Nathan's eyes were glued to the screen as a flurry of thoughts filled his mind.

'Twelve areas at once?' What are the Rogue Humans planning?'

Unfortunately, he couldn't find the answers to his questions now.

At this point, Nathan was having the same thoughts that Verne had.

Anyone with a deep thinking will find it suspicious.

The Rogue Humans attacked one Area first and Unit 1 was there to stop them, but now, they've attacked twelve different Areas. It was as if they were anticipating the other twelve Units.

'Something is wrong. They must be getting information from a source.' Nathan thought.

'If they know about the thirteen Units, then that means....'