Increase In Difficulty.

Nathan and Ken just finished discussing about Jagger and Finn who were actually brothers.

Ken was about to open the door for both of them to leave, but his phone suddenly rang.

He dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out his phone before looking at the name of the person who was calling him.

"Verne....?" Ken muttered.

Ken answered the call and before he could say anything, Verne spoke.

"The Special Unit....the special unit is needed now."

"What? The Rogue Humans have attacked again?" Ken asked.

"Yes. Unit 1 just came back from Area 12 and the other Units are battling Rogue Humans in twelve different Areas, so, the Special Unit is the only solution right now." Verne explained.

Nathan heard what Verne said and it immediately dawned on him.

'So, my suspicion was correct, huh?" Nathan thought.

He had already predicted something like this happening and now, it was actually happening.