Copied Strategies.

With his eyes still squinted, Ken reached for his swords and grabbed them before positioning them in front of him.

Right now, Ken wasn't the only one that was scanning the battle field.

Nathan's eyes swept through the battle field as he keenly observed the Rogue Humans they were approaching.

Their yellow eyes glowed with ferocity and their sharp claws were outstretched as if they were already about to attack.

The growls that escaped their mouths grew louder as they inched closer to the Humans in front of them.

'They're between Lower Rank and Rare Rank.' Nathan thought as he gazed at the incoming Rogue Humans.

'But those ones at the back....'

Nathan's thought was interrupted by the system screen that appeared in front of him.


[Assist the Special Unit to defeat the Rogue Humans]


[One new Skill for each unlocked Element]