White Energy & Red Aura


Nathan couldn't remember the last time he screamed like this.

Well, for him to scream like this, it must be something serious.

And yes, it was.

The Rogue Human had a chilly smile on his face as he stared at Nathan coldly.

But the Rogue Human's cold smile wasn't the cause of Nathan's scream.



A White Energy suddenly enveloped the Rogue Human's body, including his claws.

The White Energy looked like a fiery flame that covered the Rogue Human's body.

This was the same Energy that enveloped the Rogue Human that Derick fought in Area 12. The same Energy that increases the capabilities of Rogue Humans.

"Hahaha, you're scared, right?" The Rogue Human laughed.

Panic? Fear? No, these weren't the emotions that Nathan was feeling right now.

It was RAGE!!