Flora's Ability & Victory.

"I'm not done. You'll be the one dying here today....not me."

These cold words rang in the Rogue Human's head, followed by the death stare he was receiving from Nathan right now.

'Run, run, run.' The Rogue Human's thoughts was filled with only one word.


But did his pride allow him to do that?


"I can never run from you. I'm stronger than you. I'm at the Special Rank!!" The Rogue Human exclaimed, but his current situation completely betrayed what he just said.

The Rogue Human got up from the ground under Nathan's watchful gaze.

He staggered for some seconds before he managed to have a good balance.

Well, he was still staggering, after all, some of his bones were broken because of that punch and also because of the force at which his body hit the ground.

His legs and arms were also trembling as if someone just poured very cold water on him.