Mia[Part 2]

Two days before the Special Unit's battle in Area 15, Mia decided to take a walk.

Though, it was night and everywhere was dark, she didn't mind at all. After all, she was powerful enough to take care of herself.

The bright moon hung in the sky, casting a warm glow on the City below.

The chilly wind of the night made Mia's pink hair flutter.

With her hands in her pockets, she walked towards an alley. She was about to pass through the alley to the next street, but she suddenly had an uneasy feeling.

Mia stooped walking and looked around. She was sure that everyone in the city were currently in their homes, but she couldn't shake off this uneasy feeling.

'Why do I feel like I'm being watched?' Mia thought while looking around.

Seeing that there was no one around, Mia decided to ignore this feeling and continue moving.