"You're welcome..... Sister."

"Welcome, Mia," Celine said, with a smile on her face.

'This woman is dangerous.'

That was Mia's first thought immediately she saw Celine.

Though, Celine was smiling, Mia knew that there was more to that smile.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Celine asked with her gaze fixated on Mia.

"Uh.... I'm sorry," Mia said as she lowered her head.

"Hmmm.... it's okay, Mia," Celine said as the smile on her face widened.

"I want to believe you did a good job, Mia," Celine said.

'So, this woman sent them?' Mia thought.

"Yes, I made sure everything was recorded," Mia said.

Her head was still lowered and she didn't even dare to raise it. She didn't want to look at this woman's eyes.

Celine's eyes darted towards Ray and she instantly stretched out her hand.

Even though Celine didn't say anything, Ray instantly knew what to do.

He walked towards Celine and gave her the recording device before stepping back.