The Same Motive

Nathan was currently sitting on his bed with a blank look on his face as he digested what he just heard.

Seconds later, he raised his head and looked at the two girls in front of him.

"From what you've heard, I'm sure you know that you're basically the cause of their issue," Siena said.

"Did you hear the stupid thing you just said? Me? The cause? You've gotta be kidding me, Siena," Nathan said.

Of course, Lena and Joey couldn't hear their conversation.

"Uh.... you're in the middle of all things," Siena said.

"Tch....was I the one who asked Joey to come to my room? Was I also the one who told Lena to slap Joey? Look, Siena, don't talk again," Nathan said with an annoyed tone.

After that, Siena didn't say anything.

Nathan diverted his attention back to Lena and Joey and spoke.

"The both of you should leave," Nathan said.

Surprised looks appeared on their faces immediately Nathan said that.