
With a clicking sound, the door opened to reveal what was inside.

Jude started shifting back after opening the door, but Nathan was quick to grab his shirt.

He wasn't going to allow Jude to leave this place anytime soon. Moreover, there were some things that he would like to know from Jude.

Nathan, Joey, Mirabel and Charles looked at the room that just came into their sight.

The room wasn't big, but it also wasn't small.

The room was empty...well....not completely empty, because there was something, or rather, someone, sitting in the middle of the empty room.

The person that was sitting in the middle of the room was a little girl that looked to be around 5 years old.

She had long black hair that reached her waist, and cute beady black eyes.

She was wearing a black gown that had lots of stains, and little holes on it.

Though, she was a little bit skinny, but it was not very noticable.