Getting Answers From Jude.

"I have an idea," Joey said.

"Tell me," Charles said without letting go of Lily's hand.

The curious expression on Mirabel's face made it evident that she also wanted to hear what Joey would say.

"Uhm... I'll go and get clothes for the three of you, just wait here," Joey said.

"Huh? Even though you bring clothes, I won't be able to wear it. And also, how will your clothes be able to fit Lily. Mirabel will be the only one that'll be able to wear it." Charles voiced out his complaints.

"Oh...." Joey didn't think of that before, because of the urgency of the situation.

Joey started walking back and forth in the room, trying to come up with an idea.

Mirabel, Charles, and Lily just stared at her as she went into deep thoughts.

Seconds later, she stopped walking back and forth, and stood in one spot.