Fight! [Part 2]

From the corner of his eyes, Nathan saw Mirabel, Charles, and Lily slowly crawling towards the door.

Immediately, Nathan knew what they were up to, and he also thought of something.

'If I play my cards right, I can use this to my advantage.' Nathan thought as he focused on Ken who was now standing with his sword on his hand.

The dust cloud had already dissipated, and everywhere was now clear.

"Nathan, prepare yourself!" Ken rushed towards Nathan.

[Earth Slash]

In an instant, Nathan took his stance, and swung his sword.

A brown slash of Energy left Nathan's sword, and rushed towards Ken.

Even after seeing the incoming slash, Ken didn't reduce his speed.

When the slash was about to hit Ken, he suddenly leaped to the right, evading the slash.


The slash hit the floor, and it dissipated.