Nathan's Plans

"You want me to wear GIRLY CLOTHES?!!!!"

Ever since, Charles has been telling his siblings to talk quietly, but right now, he couldn't hold it back.

It was just outrageous. How would he, a boy, a teenager about to be an adult, wear girly clothes.

Was he about to cosplay or something?

Charles's outburst made Joey flinch. But, she could understand his anger. After all, which boy would want to wear girly clothes. Except that boy was.....*Ahem*

"Uhm...I understand, but these were the only things I could find. I'm sorry if I made you angry," Joey said in a calm manner.

Even though Joey just apologized, Charles still had a frown on his face.

Meanwhile, Mirabel just ignored her brother, and took the comb from Joey's hand.

She bent down to reach Lily's level before she started combing her hair.

" hurts," Lily said with a frown on her face.

"Don't worry, I'll take it easy," Mirabel said, and smiled softly.