"Nathan Has A Sister??!!

The second part of Nathan's plan was simple. He would relentlessly attack Ken to the point that he would be driven to a corner, and then he would block his vision with the Hurricane Skill before leaving.

But that was not all.

Nathan knew that Ken would definitely follow him immediately he realized, so he conjured another plan.

Before he left the room, he summoned Furry. Of course, Ken wouldn't be able to see Furry, because he is an Elemental Spirit, and that was one of the advantage that Furry had.

So, while Nathan was leaving the building to somewhere else, Furry would stall Ken, and keep him busy.

Leaving Furry alone to fight Ken didn't really bother Nathan, because he could just easily call Furry back with the connection they had, and also, Furry wouldn't even die in the first place.

So, Nathan was confident in his decision.

Overall, it was a fabulous plan.
