Nothing Much Happened

'Nathan has a sister??!!!'

Nathan has never told Lena or Declan that he has a sister. Even Joey doesn't know. So this certainly came as a shock to the both of them.

Lena and Declan were in a stunned state after hearing what Flora said, it was just too.... Shocking.

"Now tell me where he is," Flora said.

Lena just stood without replying Flora. Well, it seemed like she was too shocked to say anything.

But the thing was that, Flora didn't have the patience to wait.



A sword appeared on Flora's right hand, and she instantly appeared in front of Lena.


Flora swung her sword, and stopped when it was just few inches away from her neck.

"If you don't start talking, i won't have to tell you what I'll do to you." Flora whispered with a cold expression on her face. Her eyes were fierce as she stared at Lena.

Suddenly, an angry look appeared on Lena's face, as she stared back at Flora.