In The Alley

"Nathan, I know something happened, but I know you'll explain everything," Flora said as she stared at Nathan.

"I don't know about the rest, but I and Lucy wil~" Flora suddenly stopped talking as she turned back.

"Wait.... where is Lucy?" Flora muttered, but her phone suddenly rang.

Immediately she saw the name of the caller, she answered.

"Hello, Flora, please come, I need to show you something urgently," Lucy said.

"Huh? Urgently? But I don't know where you are," Flora said.

"Just come out from the alley, and start walking forward," Lucy said.

"Uh.. okay, I'm coming," Flora said as she hung up.

"What is it?" Nathan asked as he noticed the worried look on Flora's face.

"I don't know. Lucy just said that she has something to show me urgently." Flora replied.

"Hmm... urgently...." Nathan muttered.

"It must be pretty serious if she's saying it's urgent, so I think you should go," Declan said.