Needed Explanation & Verne's Anger


Lily, Charles and Mirabel were sleeping peacefully in the room.

Suddenly, Charles felt something happening in his body. Even though he was sleeping, he could still feel it.

The uneasy feeling made Charles to wake up and sit on the bed.

The moment he got up, Mirabel also woke up and sat on the bed with a frown on her face.

They turned their heads and looked at each other for a while before Charles finally spoke.

"You're also feeling uneasy?" Charles asked as he stared at Mirabel.

Mirabel nodded her head in reply with a frown still present on her face.

By this time, Charles and Mirabel were already panting, and sweating profusely.

"I don't know, but..... this can't be normal. Something is wrong," Charles said.

Charles couldn't quit describe the feeling, it was as if something was growing inside him.

As Charles was contemplating about rue feeling, Mirabel suddenly spoke.