Charles And Mirabel's Transformation.

Charles and Mirabel were now sleeping peacefully without shaking. Though, it was thanks to Lucy.

Lily just sat down beside them. She had already stopped crying after seeing they her siblings were now...well, okay.

Lucy walked towards Nathan who was still standing near the door.

"I analyzed their internal structures, and it seems that there's something fighting inside them," Lucy said as she looked at Nathan.

"Can you give me more details?" Nathan asked.

"Well, I can't give you much, because I also don't know much about what's going on, but there's something definitely going on in their bodies," Lucy said.

"It's as if two things are fight for dominance." She added.

Nathan sighed after hearing what Lucy said. He was silent for some seconds before he finally spoke.

"So, what do you think?" Nathan asked as he gazed at Lucy. Moreover, she was the one who brought them.