Different Energies

Nathan had a curious expression on his face as he walked towards Charles and Lily.

"Just stand still," Nathan said, or it was more like an order. He walked behind Charles and placed his hand on Charles's back.

As per Nathan's order, Charles stood still without moving an inch.

Nathan closed his eyes as he delved deeper into the connection he now had with Charles.

With his incredible concentration, Nathan stayed focused as he tried to sense the energies in Charles's body.

'It was very easy for me to sense Lena's energy, but why is it somewhat difficult this time? Probably because of the energies in his body,' Nathan thought.

Both the difficulty in sensing Charles's energy and the urge for blood that hadn't arrived, Nathan attributed everything to the energies in Charles's body.

Seconds later, Nathan finally sensed Charles's Blood Energy. Well, as expected, that wasn't the only energy present.