Questions and Answers

Inside the house, the others just finished cleaning some parts of the house, so they went back to sit down on the couches.

Though, they didn't do much work, but the house was now even more comfortable. And since they were much, they were able to do it quickly.

"Ah, I don't remember the last time I did this," Lucy said as she wiped the imaginary sweat from her forehead.

"Yeah, the last time I did this was some days before Earth changed," Flora said, with a nostalgic look on her face.

"Hmm...I guess this serves as a good exercise," Lucy said as she closed her eyes.

Declan just sat down on the chair, and stared at them as they were talking.

Though, he was having a certain thought while looking at Lucy.

'How old is she?' Declan thought.

Just from her face alone, Declan could swear that there was no way they weren't about the same age.

Though, looks could be deceiving at times, but this one didn't look deceiving.