Unexpected Visitor


That sound that Mirabel made caused everyone to turn their heads towards her.

Though, what they saw made then slightly shocked.

Mirabel was currently spitting out the food back on the plate. A slight frown was on her face, and she was desperately trying to get the food out of her mouth.

"W-what's wrong?" Joey asked with a worried look on her face. Infact, all of them were worried.

Apart from worry, Joey was also feeling a bit embarrassed. After all, for Mirabel to spit out the food like that, then that could only mean that it wasn't good.

But she didn't know that it wasn't the cooking that was the problem, it was the fact that Mirabel wasn't human anymore, she was now a Vampire, meaning that normal food would taste bland.

Though, Joey doesn't know that Mirabel is now a Vampire, if not, she wouldn't have served food for her.

But, among all of them currently in the house, there was one person that knew.