"Who are you?"

"Now this is surprising." Nathan said as he stared at the visitor.

"Nice to see you, Nathan," Riya said as she stared at Nathan who had a slight smile on his face.

Of course, Nathan recognized the lady that was standing in front of him. After all, she was the one he usually met in the Area Security Control building in Vina Academy, and she was also the one that Nathan always got that strange feeling from.

Though, Nathan was shocked after seeing her, but he didn't let it show on his face. The expression on his face made it look as if he was already expecting her.

'Did Ken send her here? I remember seeing Ken in Vina Academy, so maybe they know each other, and Ken decided to send her to look for me. If that's the case, then how did she know that I was here? No, there must be another reason,' Nathan thought as he looked at Riya.

Though, he was still wary of Riya, he decided to ask her the question that was on his mind.