Training Gone Wrong.

Lucy, Mirabel, and Charles were now inside the barrier, staring at each other.

Lucy had long given the signal to start, but none of them had attacked yet. Though, Mirabel and Charles seemed to have agreed on a formation, after all, they didn't need anyone to tell them that Lucy was strong, and she was not to be played with, so they had to take this serious.

Joey and Declan were outside the barrier, waiting for the battle to start, because for some seconds now, nothing has happened.

Apart from that, the three of them were holding weapons. Charles was holding a sword, Mirabel was holding a shield, and Lucy was holding two daggers.

Lucy was the one who provided these weapons from her Space Ring. Though, they were all lower rank weapons.

Even with that, it was enough for the training, after all, nobody was planning to kill anyone here, so...