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As soon as Nathan left Riya in the forest, he dashed towards the house to see what was happening with Mirabel.

Though, he noticed that the feeling that something was happening was getting stronger, making him hasten his steps.

Finally, he reached the house, and he saw Lena running inside with Lily. That further confirmed Nathan's suspicion.

Though, he still had to see for himself, and he knew that if anything was happening with Mirabel, he would be the only one able to stop her.

In an instant, Nathan arrived upstairs, and he located the training room.

The connection, and also the voices were enough for him to locate the room quickly.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Mirabel who was enveloped in a Red Aura lunging at Lucy with her shield ready to strike. With the speed at which Mirabel moved, Nathan knew that it would be impossible for Lucy to evade unscathed.
