Very Important.

Nathan remembered that when he was talking about creating his own Unit, Flora asked him about how he would get Teleportation Orbs, after all, battling Rogue Humans was like the main objective of the Units, and if Nathan was creating one, it would be part of his objective. Though, the Rogue Humans had stopped attacking for a while now, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't attack again, and everyone needed to prepared for it.

He remembered saying that he would sort it out, even though he didn't really know how he would do that, but he just decided that he would find a way out.

But now, that wasn't needed anymore, because.....

"I have alot of Teleportation Orbs with me.... Teleportation Orbs that lead to different Areas," Riya said.

Nathan's eyes sparked with delight as he stared at the Teleportation Orb that Riya was holding. With this, his plan was definitely moving forward.

"Alot, right?" Nathan asked.