Stacy's Hatred

"I'll bring you back...dead," Stacy said with a crazy grin on her face.

Honestly, Flora didn't do anything to annoy Stacy when they were in the Special Unit. Infact, they have never spoken to each other.

The thing was that, Stacy noticed how close Ken, and Flora were.

He usually spoke to her in a friendly manner, unlike the strict way he spoke to the others.

Ever since Stacy joined the Special Unit, she had been trying to please Ken, after all, he was the leader, and pleasing him would mean that she would get some benefits that the others couldn't get.

Although, Ken was actually pleased, they still didn't have that closeness that he had with Flora which annoyed Stacy greatly.

Though, she continued trying, but at the end of the day, nothing changed.

All these things made Stacy develop hatred for Flora. There were some times that she even glared at Flora with anger, and Flora was able to notice all these.