Flora vs Stacy

The wolf, and the panther suddenly started glowing, but surprisingly, Flora's body also started glowing blue, and her hair suddenly stood.

The pace at which the wind was moving suddenly increased, and even the leaves on the ground started flying about.

"You'll die here..... Stacy."

Stacy was taken aback after seeing the Aura that Flora was radiating.

Flora's eyes were glowing with a fierce blue light, and they were fixated on Stacy. The air that was currently around Flora gave only one feeling.....


Even with this feeling, Stacy didn't plan on backing down. Infact, she even positioned herself in the air with her telekinesis Ability, ready for anything that was about to happen.

Though, she had never seen Flora like this, but she knew that it wasn't going to be an easy fight anymore.

It was now....a death battle.

'I've never killed a human being before, but I guess I'll do it now...I won't hesitate,' Flora thought.