"I'm a Vampire."

A frown was on Flora's face as she opened the door, and entered the house.

'I'm pretty sure they'll be no trace left,' Flora thought as she remembered the person she just killed.

Flora shut the door, and looked around, finding no one in the parlor which was kinda weird, because one of them would've least been in the parlor.

"Strange....." Flora muttered as she walked towards the staircase. She climbed up, and arrived in the hallway.

Suddenly, she heard voices coming from the room at the end, and she quickly knew that they were inside the training room, but she didn't go there.

'I'll change my clothes first...' Flora thought as she opened her room door, and entered.

Though, she had already wiped the blood off her clothes before leaving the forest, she still wanted to change them, after all, not everyone would feel comfortable wearing clothes that still had slight traces of blood.