
"If you still don't want to believe me, then.... I'll just have to... show you."

"S-show us?" Lucy asked.

All of them suddenly looked at Nathan who was standing with his hands in his pockets.

"Nathan, what do you mean?" Flora asked.

"Hmm.... since you don't want to believe me, then I'll prove it, is it that hard to understand?" Nathan asked.

"How do you intend to prove it?" Flora asked.

Riya just stood in silence as everything was happening. But she was on guard, incase anyone suddenly had any malicious intention. After all, her mission was to support, and protect her 'master'.

The others also watched in silence, except Lily who was occasionally making gasping sounds while stretching to touch the back of Mirabel's hair.

'Yeah.....proof is needed.....' Lucy thought as she stared at Nathan whose expression hadn't still changed.