Introduction[Part 2]

"Oh, the thing is, before I can partially transform into a beast, I have to study the traits of that beast, and how they do things.... It's not really that simple, and it's also tiring. That's why I haven't been able to completely become a Rare Rank Gifted," Declan said.

"I see....." Nathan muttered.

Though, Nathan understood what he said, Declan knew that the other might still be slightly confused about what he said, so he decided to go into details.

"Just like this skill....." Declan said as he pointed at his right arm that was enlarged, and covered in brown fur.

"I had to study the traits of an Earth Bear, especially their arm, because that was my goal.....I wanted to be able to transform my arm into that of an Earth Bear," Declan said.

"So, I had to see the Earth Bear, observe it's movements, and read books about the end, I got the skill," Declan said.