Introduction[Part 3]

That aside, it was time for the next person to introduce themselves.

And it was either Flora, Mirabel, Charles, maybe Lily, and then.... Riya.

Lucy's short green hair bounced, as she walked back to join the others, and stood beside Flora.

This time, Charles decided to introduce himself next, but he also decided to do it from where he was standing.

"I'm Charles Lionheart, uhm....I actually don't know my Rank, but if I'm to guess, I'm probably an Ultimate Control Rank Gifted," Charles said.

Everyone: ???....

This was the third time today that there was complete silence in this training room.

Though, it didn't last for long, because...

"Pft....pffttttt....pffttttt... Hahaha," Lucy laughed profusely, to the point that she fell on the ground, and started rolling, as she held her stomach.

There were even signs of tears coming out from her eyes.... that was just how hard she was laughing.