Introduction[Part 4]

"I'll show you guys my last skill," Charles said.



"Huh? What is that skill?" Nathan muttered, as he stared at Charles.

As soon as Charles activated his last skill, his body suddenly started glowing, but that was not all.

Slowly, Bones started appearing on his body. At first, it was only his head, but then, the bones extended to his neck, before reaching his chest, and then, his legs, down to his feet.

Suddenly, a long sword made of Bone appeared on Charles's hand, and then, the glow disappeared.

At this point, Charles's main body couldn't even be seen again, instead, the only thing that could be seen was a figure completely made of bone, and was holding a long sword made of bone.

There was silence in the training room, as they all looked at Charles's new form... which was kinda..... scary.

Even Nathan couldn't deny the fact that Charles's new form looked like something straight out of a horror movie.