Introduction[Part 5]

Nathan remembered that when he was in Vina Academy, and still attending classes, Jagger once told them that they were people in the Stronghold who could sense their Ability Energy, shape it, and create their first skill, and even use it, at a very young age, without any help, or guidance.

According to Jagger, those people were called the talented ones... people who could easily control their Ability Energy, and create skills faster than normal people.

When one of them was even interviewed on an news channel, he said that it was as if he instinctively knew what to do, and didn't need anyone to be there, or help him.

Some of th talented ones were able to sense their Ability Energy, shape it, and create their first skill, at age 12, some were at age 13, and even some at age 11, but age 10 had never been seen... but there was one right in front of Nathan.

Nathan knew very well that Charles wasn't lying, and every single thing he was saying was the truth.