Introduction[Part 6]

Mirabel suddenly walked out, as she got ready to introduce herself.

'Hmmm..... it's finally time to know her Ability,' Nathan, and Lucy had the same thought on their minds.

As Mirabel was walking out, Charles suddenly remembered something, and he stretched out his hand, blocking Mirabel.

"Oh, by the way, I'm also a Vampire," Charles said.

"Huh?" Flora, and Lucy gasped, but they were not the only ones who gasped.

The expression on Declan's face clearly showed that he was shocked. His eyes were wide open in shock, as he glanced at Nathan, and Charles.

Meanwhile, Joey's mouth was wide open, clearly showing that she was also shocked.

Though, it was understandable, after all, they weren't Vampires, so they couldn't feel anything from Charles, unlike Lena who was a Vampire, and immediately knew that Charles, and Mirabel were Vampires.

'I'm not even suppose to be shocked again....' Flora thought, as she let out a sigh.