Introduction[Part 7]

"I still have other things to show you guys..." Mirabel said, as everyone looked at her.

"It's still related to my Ability, and other ways that it works," she added.

"Go on," Nathan said.

Mirabel nodded her head in response, as she released her grip on the spear.

"I guess she wants to go in depths with the demonstration," Lucy muttered.

Flora was standing beside Lucy, so she heard what Lucy said clearly.

"I really think it'll be needed, after all, just this alone doesn't tell us much about her Ability," Flora said.

"Exactly, let's see what she'll do next though," Lucy said.

Flora was actually right, after all, they just saw the spear enveloped in a blue glow, and nothing else. So, that alone wasn't enough for them to at least have an idea about her Ability.

And it seemed that Mirabel also knew that, so she decided to do more.