Introduction[Part 8]

"I know a place we can go, and we'll be able to know her Rank," Lucy said.

Immediately, they all knew what Lucy was talking about.

In the Stronghold, people with Abilities that their Rank couldn't be known with amount of Skills weren't low in number at all.

Because of that, they implemented a new way to know the Rank of those certain people. A special device was made that could measure the amount of Ability one had in their body, and through that measurement, the person's Rank would be known.

After this device was made, and tested, they started producing it in bulk.

After that, centers were opened in all the cities, so that everyone could have access to the device. All that was needed was to go to the center, wait in the cue if there's one, and then, use the measuring device.

"At least, it's completely free, no need for payment, and personal information, or result of the measurement won't be disclosed," Nathan muttered.