Introduction[Part 9]

'Black has already returned to the Space? So soon? That can only mean one has finished its meal.... shit...this guy is really ferocious.'

The thought alone almost made Flora puke, but she was a strong lady, so she could easily hold it back.

She remembered hearing munching sounds when she was leaving the forest, but she decided not to look back, not because she didn't want to see what was going on, but because she didn't know if she would be able to hold back the urge to puke if she saw what was going on.

Though, they had been in the training room for a while now, but she still felt that the panther finished its 'meal' too fast.

Flora smiled wryly, as she looked at the panther who was now licking its lips as if it just ate something tasty.

Though, Nathan's voice brought Flora's attention back.

"So, how does it work? Can you tame more beasts apart from these two?" Nathan asked.