New Form

"I'm Riya Darkshade. Before I continue, I'll like to show you all my real...form."

"Huh??" What Riya just said was certainly confusing, after all, that could only mean that...

'Real form? So she isn't a human? Oh, maybe she's also a Vampire,' Lucy thought.

The others were also having the same line of thoughts, well, except Lena.

She was even the most confused among all of them, after all, she could easily tell that Riya wasn't a Vampire, so Riya talking about a real form made her curious.

'I can certainly feel that she isn't a Vampire, though, for a while now, I've been getting this strange feeling from her,' Lena thought.

This feeling she was getting from Riya, was the same feeling Nathan also got from her, though, none of them had mentioned it yet.

Nathan still planned to ask Riya, but for now, he believed that the strange feeling he was getting from her was because she's a Harpy.

That was the only sensible explanation for that.