Miss Cylinder, Can I Touch Your Wings?

Nathan scanned Riya with his eyes, noticing the changes, but the most obvious one...

"So she has that? Hmm..... that's incredible," Nathan muttered, as he looked at Riya's back.

The reason he did that was because there were two large things behind Riya, something they all knew as....wings.

Yes, there were two large colourful wings on Riya's back. If not for the fact that the wings were folded, Nathan was sure that it would have taken alot of space.

The most alluring thing about Riya's wings were the color, and feathers.

Her wings were a mix of red, yellow, orange, blue, brown, purple, and even white.

All these colours made her wings beautiful, and also the colourful feathers that were attached.

Though, Nathan could see that the feathers were sharp, but he was more focused on the wings.

Another thing was that, Riya didn't have any clothes on, though, that didn't mean that she was naked.