Riya's Wings

As Flora was about to say something, Lily suddenly spoke, with an excited expression on her face.

"Uhm..... Miss cylinder, can I touch your wings?"


Everyone turned to look at Lily who just spoke. She currently had a wide smile on her face, as she stared at Riya's back where the wings were present.

Sh was already imagining herself touching those wings which she felt would be soft without a single doubt.

Before Lily finished talking, Mirabel tried to cover her mouth, but Lily finished talking before that could happen.

With a wry smile on her face, Mirabel looked at Riya, with an expression that made it look like she was apologizing, meanwhile, Riya was looking at Lily, with a smile on her face.

Even Nathan just kept quiet, watching everything that was happening with folded arms.

"I guess she couldn't help it," Lena said, with a slight smile on her face.