
Now that everyone had finished introducing themselves, it was time to carry out the next stage, though, that wasn't going to happen now, after all, the introduction part took quite some time, and some of them had to rest for the meantime.

Though, Nathan, and the other Vampires in the room weren't tired, including Riya who also wasn't human, but that didn't mean that the others weren't tired, infact, the expression on their faces made it clear that they needed to rest a bit.

Moreover, Nathan had something to do real quick, so he decided to dismiss them for the meantime.

Nathan walked forward, looked at all of them, unfolded his arms, before he started speaking

"So, that's all for now, though, we still have alot of things to do, but that'll be later," Nathan said.

They all nodded their heads in understanding.

"Alright, we've really got to know each other, that's cool," Declan said.