
Well, he would know later, and he had already decided wouldn't take it lightly if anyone was hurting his sister, but he was sure that it couldn't be a threat or anything, after all, Flora was strong.

Nathan put all that at the back of his mind for now, after all, he was ready to meet the...pest.

He was kinda lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize that he had already reached the forest.

'She's still here,' Nathan thought, as he stared at the forest.

With steady steps, he walked towards the forest, and finally entered.

He walked past the now somehow familiar short trees. In his mind, he still couldn't help but compare this forest to the one in Vina Academy, and even Zur Academy.

Though, it was just the way the forest in this city was, there was nothing he could do about it.

Nathan kept walking deeper into the forest, and then, he suddenly squinted his eyes as he noticed something.

"She has seen me," Nathan muttered.