Let's Have A Battle

"He's gonna kill me."

The smirk on Nathan's face was enough for Evaine to have that thought.

At this point, she didn't even have hope of survival, after all, that smirk said it all.

She was the fool in the first place, like, she literally stopped him herself, and even surrendered, that alone was a death wish, and she was sure that even when he eventually killed her, she would still regret it in the afterlife, if there was one.

'Ahh, I'm definitely not leaving here alive,' Evaine thought.

"Evaine.... never expected to see you here," Nathan said.

"Uhm.....I can explain," Evaine mustered the courage to speak.

"Explain what?" Nathan asked, with a smirk still present on his face.

"Uhm, I can explain why I'm here," Evaine said. She was still struggling to look at Nathan straight in the eyes, so she just continued staring at the ground, though, she raised her head from time to time, but didn't look at Nathan.