
As soon as Lucy pressed the button, a blue circle appeared on the floor, and the next second, a barrier surrounded them, separating the both of them from the others.

"Alright, now, come at me!" Lucy said, with a smirk on her face.

The confident expression on Lucy's face was so obvious that the others weren't even worried that she would get hurt.

Though, it wasn't surprising that Lucy, who had a Healing Ability, wasn't scared, after all, she had been in the Special Unit before any of them, so she received enough training to be confident in her fighting capabilities.

'Such confidence...she must have something planned,' Evaine thought, slightly shocked by the confident expression on Lucy's face.

'Even though I told her that the explosions aren't that harmful, there's no doubt that she'll still be prepared, if not, she won't be this confident,' Evaine thought, as she squinted her eyes, and stared at Lucy.