Upgrading The Oath

Evaine and Lucy stared at each other. Lucy held her second dagger, ready to throw it while the others just watched in anticipation.

"Guys, we have to sort out the Teleportation Orbs after this, so let's get this over with," Nathan said.

Hearing this brought back the curiosity they had about the Teleportation Orbs, but Evaine had to finish her demonstration first.

Lucy started spinning the dagger she was holding, ready to throw it.

Suddenly, without warning, Lucy suddenly launched the dagger at Evaine.

The others were also slightly surprised by the way Lucy instantly threw the dagger without any alert.


The dagger travelled through the air, quickly approaching Evaine. It was even moving at a more faster rate than the first dagger she threw.

Evaine was at alert, so she was quick to react. She instantly raised her sword, and gripped it harder, and then....