Suspecting Riya

"Huh?.....wait, don't tell me...?"

As soon as the others started thinking about it, everything started falling in place.

When Nathan talked about the Teleportation Orbs, he was staring at Riya, and at the same time, Riya was tapping her Space Ring, so that could only mean one thing.

"Why do I have a feeling that she's related to the Teleportation Orbs?" Lucy muttered as she stared at Riya.

"That's not a feeling, Lucy. She's definitely related to it, I mean, there's no way Nathan would stare at her without a reason," Flora said.

Those were just Flora and Lucy's thought. Lena, Declan, Joey, and Evaine had a different thought.

That was to be expected, after all, Riya was someone they knew, and not just by name, but by what she was doing in Vina Academy.

They all knew that Riya was a staff of Vina Academy, and she worked in the ASC building.