
"Where did you get these Teleportation Orbs from?"

Nathan already knew that someone would ask this question, but he wasn't ready to stay, and hear how it would turn out.

Firstly, he already knew how she got them, and he wasn't ready to see their reactions when she'll eventually tell them.

Secondly, he had something else to do that was related to preparing for his Unit, that was his focus at the moment.

Unsurprisingly, Lucy was the one who asked this question, though, this same question has been on everyone's mind, so Lucy was just the one who voiced it out.

"I'll be back." Suddenly they all heard Nathan's voice, only to turn and see that he had already exited the room, and shut the door.

Since he said he would be back, then there was no problem. Instantly, they all looked at Riya again, waiting for her answer.