Living Armour

Search, search, search. Nathan had been searching for what to use to describe what he was drawing. He didn't blame Siena for not understanding what he was drawing, after all, every other person would think that he was actually drawing a Human being.

Though, he suddenly remembered a certain novel he read once, and found something that he could use to describe what he was drawing.

"Living Armour," Nathan said.

"Ehn?" Siena muttered, clearly confused about what Nathan just said.

"Okay, how do I explain this?" Nathan muttered.

"Honestly, I don't really get what you're talking about," Siena said.

"Hmm..... look at it this way. Imagine a metal shaped like a Human," Nathan said.

"A metal...shaped like a Human....." Siena muttered.

"Exactly. Now imagining that the Human shaped metal can talk, walk, think, and do other things, infact, it has a conciousness," Nathan said.