Meeting Felix

At first, the multitude of fashion shops made Nathan slightly surprised, but then, he realized that maybe this specific location was only for fashion shops. So, if that was the case, then other shops would be further ahead.

And just like he thought, there were blacksmith shops ahead. From where he was standing, he could even see people going in and out of the ships, carrying newly bought weapons with them.

"Good, at least, I'm supposed to find a good blacksmith there," Nathan muttered as he started walking forward.

Finally, he got to one of the shops, and saw the different weapons that were outside.

'Just like I thought, now I'll have to rate the quality of these weapons,' Nathan thought as he moved to get a closer look at the weapons, but then, he spotted something from the corner of his eyes.

Instantly, he turned his head towards the right, seemingly searching for something, or rather, someone.