Be careful

Suddenly, his eyes snapped open as he heard footsteps. Instantly, he looked forward, and that was when he saw....her.

Yes, it was a female that was approaching, and Nathan could clearly hear the footsteps.

"Guess I'm not the only one who comes to this forest," Nathan muttered. After all, the forest was also satisfying to others, so it made sense that others would come here at times.

With his hands still in his pockets, Nathan continued walking forward, with every step he took, he was getting closer to the person whose build, and silhouette made it clear that she was a female.

In a matter of seconds, Nathan could now clearly see the person was a girl.

His eyes and the girl's eyes met, and they were now locked in a staring contest.

Suddenly, Nathan continued walking, and at the same time, the girl also continued walking.